
How to Apply for Medicaid in Michigan

Learn now to apply for Medicaid in Michigan.

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Medicaid serves as a vital lifeline for many individuals and families in Michigan, providing access to essential healthcare services and financial assistance for those who qualify. If you're in need of healthcare coverage and meet the eligibility criteria, applying for Medicaid in Michigan can offer peace of mind and access to quality care. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the application process:


Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

To be eligible for Medicaid in Michigan, you must be a resident of the state of Michigan, in need of health insurance, and have a low income. In 2024, for a household size of 1, the maximum income level is $20,030 per year. For a household size of 2, it’s $27,186. For 3, it’s $34,341. For 4, it’s $41,496. For larger families, you can check here.


Step 2: Apply for Coverage

There are several ways to apply for Medicaid in Michigan:

  • Online: You can apply for Medicaid online through the MI Bridges portal, which is the state's central hub for accessing various assistance programs. Create an account and complete the online application, providing accurate information about your household and income.
  • By Phone: If you prefer to apply by phone or need assistance with the application process, you can call the Michigan HealthCare Helpline at 1-855-789-5610. Trained representatives can help you complete your application and answer any questions you may have.
  • In Person: You can also apply for Medicaid in person by visiting your local Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) office. Staff members can assist you with the application process and provide guidance on eligibility requirements.


Step 3: Await Determination and Enrollment

After submitting your application, MDHHS will review your information to determine your eligibility for Medicaid coverage. This process may take some time, though you can check the status of your application periodically by calling the same number listed above: 1-855-789-5610. Once approved, you will receive notification of your Medicaid enrollment and information about your coverage options.


Step 4: Understand Your Coverage

Once enrolled in Medicaid, it's important to understand your coverage benefits and how to access healthcare services. Medicaid in Michigan covers a wide range of services, including doctor visits, hospital care, prescription medications, preventive care, and more – even home care services, where you can work with Aidaly to be a family caregiver or receive help from a family caregiver. Familiarize yourself with your benefits and provider network to make the most of your coverage.

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