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Congratulations! 🎊 You’ve been approved for a new program. Let’s talk about next steps!

Easily access the care you deserve.

Aidaly's training, support, and compensation programs enable you to provide best-in-class care in the home.

Create Your Profile

Provide health and financial information so we can identify the benefits you qualify for.

Qualify for Benefits

Upload documents and complete tasks to access the benefits you deserve.

Get Paid

Access your money faster with the Aidaly Wallet. Track spend toward tax credits, redeem discounts, and perks.

Beyond paid.

Sure, the money is important -- but we pair you with the people and resources that can really make an impact.

Financial Experts

Our financial experts understand the cost of caregiving and are here to help lessen the financial shock of care.

a woman in a white coat is holding a baby in a hospital bed

Hands-On Training

We provide world-class training led by licensed RNs at state-of-the-art facilities.

a woman wearing glasses standing next to a wall

Care Coaching

Dedicated caregiving coaches help with everyday caregiving questions, concerns, and issues.

Here for you every step of the way.

Whether you need guidance with certifications, maximizing your Aidaly Card™️, or expert financial advice -- you won’t need to figure it out alone.

Need to get extra training?

We find training centers and help you book your appointment.

Use your money immediately.

Once the funds are in your Aidaly Card™️, it’s yours to use whenever!

Get expert financial advice.

Manage and maximize your benefits with guidance from Aidaly Coaches.

We jump every hurdle with  you. Let’s start today.