State-by-State Guide to Getting Paid as a family caregiver

Select your state to view estimates for: number of family caregivers in every state1, annual value of unpaid care work2, and monthly payment rates3. You can also use our map to access state-specific guides that walk you through the unique benefits and programs available where you live.

State-by-State Guide to Pay Rates

as a Family Caregiver in 2023

Find out what states pay family caregivers.
Family caregivers may be eligible for compensation through federal and state-funded programs, including Medicaid and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Select tax benefits can also provide financial relief.
Hover over your state to view estimates for: number of family caregivers in every state (Caregiving in the U.S. 2020, AARP), annual value of unpaid care work (AARP), and monthly payment rates (employment and wage data for home health and personal care aides, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). You can also use our map to access state-specific guides that walk you through the unique benefits and programs available where you live.

Compensation Guides

Get expert advice, guides, and current news in our caregiver library.

Close-up of a hand holding a pen filling out a 1040 tax form. The form is mostly out of focus except for the "1040" header.

Can I deduct care expenses on my taxes?

Learn more about the credits and deductions that can help you reduce what you owe come tax season.

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Small group of older Veterans and civilians gathered outside on a beach near a pool. Three of the men are holding American and service flags.

Getting Paid by Veterans Affairs

If you’re taking care of a Veteran, there are opportunities to get paid to take care of them through Veterans Affairs. Keep reading to learn more.

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A young couple photographed in a fitting room. The woman is holding up a shirt, which is on a hanger, to the man's chest as if deciding whether the garment will fit him.

How to Get Paid to Care for Your Loved One

Caregiving is time consuming and often puts a strain on both emotions and finances. Being paid for the care provided can make a positive difference.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Aidaly cost?
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If your loved one has Medicaid, training and support is covered by Aidaly and is at no cost to you or your loved one. In fact, Aidaly helps get you paid for being a family caregiver.

How much do family caregivers get paid?
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Our rates vary by location, but are always $16/hour or higher. We understand your income provides safety and security to your family and we actively advocate on behalf of family caregivers and offer more competitive pay compared to the industry standard.

What do you provide to family caregivers?
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Aidaly provides training, support, and compensation to alleviate the financial burden of being a family caregiver. We know from personal experience how difficult caregiving can be. Aidaly also provides professional coaching, financial tools, and a peer-led community.

Is Aidaly HIPAA compliant?
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Yes, Aidaly is HIPAA compliant. Your information is safe with us.

Who does Aidaly help?
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Aidaly helps family caregivers get paid to provide care in the home through state Medicaid and Long Term Care programs. If your loved one does not have Medicaid or a LTC plan, our team can help you apply.

What areas do you currently serve?
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Aidaly is rapidly expanding across the U.S.! Enter your zip code to see if we offer services in your area.

What will training look like?
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We offer a blend of virtual and in-person training including CPR, which will certify you to provide in-home care to your loved one in your state. We also provide optional additional training opportunities on topics our caregivers have requested. Aidaly offers all of this training program free of charge to our caregivers.

How will I get paid?
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Aidaly will pay you through direct deposit into your bank account.

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